Minggu, 11 Maret 2012


You can learn about Indonesian ethnic group tradition by looking these postcards..

Dimension   : A6 14.5 x 10.2 cm
Paper          : 220 GSM
Price           : Rp. 11.000,00/pcs

Quick visit to YOGYAKARTA..

Yogyakarta is one of several tourist destinations in Indonesia. It is a unique city because it still has a strong Javanese tradition and friendly people. If you want to look at the history of the kingdom in Indonesia, you can visit the Sultan Hamengkubowono palace and see the life in it closer.

Palace Dancer

Palace Dancer

two childrens

Javanese people and their activity


Javanese traditional vehicle (Andong)

An old man riding his bike from rive field

Bike is a common vehicle in Java
Rice Harvest


 Jl. Salihara No.16 Pasar Minggu

Jakarta Selatan 12520

our new pictures..

Come and see our collections..

Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Greeting from Indonesia.. #3

Traditional men headband Postcard series...

There are another uniqueness from Indonesian ethnic groups tradition. Men sometimes have to ware a headband in a tradition ceremony.

it is called IKET

and this one is UDENG from bali

NTT's headband is made from coconut leaves

Its called BLANGKON 


Dimension : A6 14.5 x 10.2 cm
Paper : 220 GSM
Price : Rp. 42.500,00/pack (4pcs)